To start, quick life update that I somehow missed on here: I'm in Georgia, the country, teaching English this school year. I've never been to this side of the world and it's an opportunity that I took because, why not? I'm getting to explore new places, make new friends, and live a life far different from what I'd have in Ohio. Like any new, different experience it has its ups and downs and there has been a lot of learning, by me and my students. I think I'll wait until I'm back home to do a full post on my experience, after I've had time to really unpack for myself what this has been like.
Anyway, to the point...
(I realize this is the latest/worst timed post ever, but #yolo, I've been busy.)
Over the winter holidays I had a couple weeks off school and took FULL advantage of the time off, location on this side of the Atlantic, cheap European flights, and new friends from some of my favorite places.
The first place: Edinburgh.
I'd been there once before, but for less than 48 hours. This time I spent almost 2 weeks there, hung out with the locals, had some chill time by myself, and really got to explore the city. After visiting the first time I fell in love with it and after this trip it's still on my list of 'best places I've ever been.'
During this trip (I told myself) I was on a very tight budget, so in my exploring I tried to do as many free things as possible. I thought this was actually pretty easy. There are so many free museums and outdoor activities, and at Christmas there was the Christmas Market! I really didn't find any shortage of things to do and free activities meant I had a little wiggle room in my budget for brunches and Christmas chocolates.
Edinburgh really knows how to do Christmas! Side note: I had the most incredible mac & cheese here. |
Looking for E-L-V-E-S in the Christmas tree maze |
The National Museum of Scotland: full of animals, fashion, airplanes, sunlight, and more. |
If miracles were to happen anywhere, surely it'd be here.
@ Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art |
Just walking around is an activity... |
...look at these streets! |
Calton Hill has a vieeeeew |
National Monument of Scotland on Calton Hill |
The yummiest cakes and breakfast atmosphere @ Southern Cross Café |
This was the most casual post about a place ever, but I hope you enjoyed it.
I'll be back with more soon! Promise.
- Jess
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