Hiking | Hocking Hills

I went hiking with a couple of friends yesterday. 
We went 11 MILES. I didn't know my body could even do that.
It was the perfect day for our outdoor adventure. The weather was perfect, there weren't too many people (we went early), and there weren't too many bugs. 

Sometimes I forget, living in the city or the suburbs, how much I need moments away from it all. Yesterday was a reminder of that and a breath of fresh air (figuratively and literally). I used to despise nature, I don't like bugs and I don't like sunburn, but there was nothing wrong with being outside for most of my day. Every view we encountered was breathtaking. We wandered off the trail (don't try this at home, kids) and discovered so many hidden nooks and crannies in the park. I climbed rocks and got dirty and didn't die or get hurt. It was all miraculous. Hiking is so out of my comfort zone, but I loved every second of it, even the incredible amount of soreness that is happening to my legs right now. 

Godzilla frozen in time?

The greatest meditation spot in all the land.
At one point in our journey we ended up on the edge of the cliff/hill/mountain thing. The tops of the trees were all we could see. The four of us stood in silence for 10 minutes just listening to nature. You know what we heard? Nothing.

Sure, there were birds chirping and branches rustling, but there were no cars or sirens or voices. It was the quietest environment I've experienced in a really long time. I already miss it. I want to find a closer place where I can go and meditate and not be distracted. I want to feel as calm as I did yesterday everyday. 

Doing things we don't normally do can open our minds. If something is missing, whether it be excitement or calm, from our everyday it won't appear by sticking with the routine. 

I've decided to challenge myself to do something new/different/uncomfortable at least twice a week. 

I think that's manageable. Can you do it? 

- Jess


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