Wildest Dreams | music video

First... FINALLY!
It's been a long wait for this music video, since October last year when the album came out.
Wildest Dreams is the BEST.
Taylor Swift, you've out done yourself, if that's even possible.
The wait for the video and watching it, it was all a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts. 
Tay is the queen of suspense.

"Girl, you are flawless." - me to that giraffe (& Tay)
The rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions explained in the order they happened:
1. #teambasiccable waiting for the video, constantly refreshing tumblr because they'll know everything first.
2.. Why did everyone say this video was coming out at 8pm and it is 8:45 and the whole world is still waiting?!
3. Of course it premieres at 8:57... *insert unimpressed emoji*
4. I'm not ready. This is going to be too good.
6. Is that Nars Dragon Girl you are wearing?
7. The brunette wig has improved from You Belong With Me.
8. Scott Eastwood *heart eyes for days*
9. I suddenly need a yellow ball gown to flow in the wind behind me and my giraffe.
10. That second verse though. #flawless 
11. She probably picked Scott for this video so she could shamelessly make out with him. Clever.
12. #tbt to cray Tay in Blank Space.
13. We are halfway through the song and I still don't understand... is it all a dream or?
14. There's no way her hair is that tame in that plane.
15. That dress again! I'm in love.
16. She is too close to that lion (while casually showing off her flawless legs).
17. #randomweathermontage
18. Hindsight is 20/20.
19. Were we always on a movie set and not in Africa?
20. HE HAS A WIFE! #scandalous & #awk
21. Like did she not know that he was married? C'mon, girl.
22. Goodbye Scott Eastwood.
23. I think I like the fan made remake of Style video better for this song... unpopular opinion?

What a night.

- Jess

Countdown to when I get to see Taylor live: 17 days!
Is this real?!

A Night in with One Direction

Quick life update: This post is awkwardly a week after the event because 1. I've been moving/attempting to get my life together and 2. I haven't had wifi and my computer in the same place for a week. It's been rough. 
So, here's what it was like to have One Direction grace a stage in one of your favorite places and realize that it's the beginning of the end mere days before what is essentially the end is officially announced (called it).

This was the third time I've seen 1D in concert, all at different venues and very different crowd sizes. The only thing that was the same was that I bought my ticket aaaaaages in advance, like over a year sometimes (I am so dedicated). I've seen them in sold out arenas and stadiums and not so sold out stadiums, as a band of five and now a band of four, as teeny boppers and now kind of more grown up. The past five years have been a roller coaster.
I'm usually told that I'm 'too old' to like 1D or something equally absurd, but the truth is: all of them are older than me (if only by a few months, hey Harry ;)) However, most of their fanbase is weirdly young considering what they sing about (usually sex). They just get away with it because it's not explicit (until the concerts WOW) and it is pretty vague unless you're older and understand the underlying message. Mix that with how absolutely amazing they all look and sound and it's a recipe for success.

At least it was until recently. 2015 has really tested 1D. They've lost a member and had a whole slew of other scandals (some confirmed, others we're still a bit unsure of, most rumors). Maybe their antics just aren't enough to support their boyband image anymore? While some parents are dishing out money for floor seats for 6 year olds, others probably aren't into the scandals and scandalous material (I'm not opposed to it though, something interesting has to happen on twitter, right?).

I always thought 1D was at least a bit respectful of how young their audience is, until this tour. WOW. 
There was so much that was not tiny children age appropriate and I LOVED it! I'm hoping they've realized that their real success is in the broke, kind of grown up, college student. We're allowed to curse and be crude, but we also can't afford concert tickets that are hundreds of dollars, all because our parents aren't around. 

Here's why 1D is so grown up:
prepare yourself

1. Ohmygod, ohmygod you guys: there were curse words.
It's only been a matter of time until the places were curse words were actually the word instead of a not so vague sound. Midnight Memories really showed that Niall is actually the one with the dirty mouth.

2. There was so much emphasis on their... nether regions?
Like so much.
Niall basically stroked himself during Better Than Words and it was the focal point of the big screen (ty camera man) and so many thrusts. Pretty sure it's their signature "dance" move at this point. & again all of it was the focus of the big screen.

3. They are so over What Makes You Beautiful. 
At this point everyone in the world knows the lyrics, so why should they have to sing it when the crowd can for them? Answer: they don't. The crowd does sing for them.

4. They just look so grown up and different from the tiny children they were 5 years ago.
Exhibit A: Harry's luscious locks. They've always been luscious, but now they're a mature luscious. 
(I don't know what I'm saying either, they're just great, 10/10)
See for yourself:
To whoever (whomever?) made the black & white decision: you did good.
Niall has grown up.
Does the "hiatus" mean that Harry is more approachable now? (Yes.)
 If you don't already have tickets for any of their shows that are left, you can probably get them (or did the hiatus announcement suddenly spike sales again?). Do it. It's a good show, you won't regret it (especially if you can get $15 groupons).
If you do get tickets, or already have them, don't forget to check the twitter hashtags for your show. People plan cute things for each one (that time I should have worn blue to Detroit or brought a paper heart to Columbus) and you feel really awkward/a bit dumb for missing out.

& to all of my fellow directioners: I understand. :'(

- Jess

Side note: if anyone who happens to read this and also performs in Columbus, learn the correct OH-IO thing and how to do it. It's very simple. You scream OH, everyone will respond with IO. Harry didn't get it and it was very awkward and just a weird screaming moment. I don't want the same for you. You're welcome in advance.

Into The Wilds

This week my family and I visited The Wilds.
The Wilds is a private, non-profit conservation center near(ish) Columbus, OH dedicated to preserving species of animals and the environment as a whole. They know how important everything on our planet is and they want to educate visitors on what amazing things are out there and a bit about how we can help in conservation as well.

Can you spot the zebras?
The last time I visited The Wilds was when I was younger, but I've been wanting to come back for a while. I wasn't too sure that I would have as much fun as I used to, but I was wrong. This is such a great place and it made me a bit nostalgic about the fun times we all had here as kids. (Remember that time the bison blocked the road?)
There are so many cool species of animals that live in this conservation area. Some are endangered,  some are threatened, and some are just hanging out. The animals seem to really love it here and they love the attention. 
Here's what happened when the paparazzi showed up:

The onagers were unimpressed. 

The catfish pretended they're never fed.

The giraffes posed like the perfect modeling creatures they are.

*heart eyes*

The ostriches won the award for 'Most Aggressive.'

The rhinos couldn't have cared less.

The camels prepared for their close-ups.
It was an eventful day, to say the least.

If you want to see it in moving picture form (aka video... why am I a grandma) you can check out my dad's youtube video here
There may or may not be embarrassing footage of me (in this video and on this channel (please don't look at his other videos)), but I will admit I haven't watched the whole thing, so I don't know for sure. 

I'm impressed that I managed to take (read: crop) so many photos without poo. Woo!
You're welcome.

- Jess

Go Set a Watchman | Review

(Not so) quick ramble (you've been forewarned):

Last night I finished reading Harper Lee's second novel, Go Set a Watchman.
In high school To Kill a Mockingbird was my favorite book, so I was excited and very nervous when hearing about this new addition to the lives of the Finches. This was especially so after more information surfaced concerning how/why it was getting published and Atticus's character. I wanted to read it, but I wasn't sure if I should. I didn't want to taint the love I had for the first novel if everything about Go Set a Watchman was true.
There were many a bad review, maybe even more than there were good reviews, but I read it anyway.
And you know what? I don't regret it. 
I don't think it took anything away from the Finches. It made them human and relatable. Atticus is no longer this God-like, mistake free character, but a real human, in readers' and Scout's eyes.

To Kill a Mockingbird taught us about tolerance, acceptance, and justice.
Go Set a Watchman taught us even more about acceptance, that no one is perfect, and how to think for ourselves.
I appreciate that Atticus has flaws now; he's a real man now.
While I don't 100% agree with or understand Atticus (but who really understands men?) I don't think it's a tragedy or a disgrace for him to not be agreeable for once. He was always so perfect that maybe he was too perfect and that's why everyone loved him; he wasn't real.

You may not understand what I mean without reading the novel (or even after you've read it), but that's okay. I've read a lot of other reviews (by far more prestigious people than me) that haven't agreed with me and I assume they've read the novel as well. 

I will say though that the one thing I can't look past in the bad reviews is that they expect it to be better if you read it out of the context of To Kill a Mockingbird. I agree about 0% with this. For a second let's disregard the actual order that the manuscripts were written in (opposite of the order they were published). They are meant to tied together. They have the same characters and there are flashbacks to the first novel; it's impossible to not compare them. I think the hard part is just accepting that there are character flaws now, not that one story is inferior or things don't line up. 
It's also possible that I appreciate this story because I relate to Scout so much in Go Set a Watchman. We are in very similar places in life: our pasts and presents don't go together very nicely and they're difficult to reconcile. Maybe that's where my appreciation comes from.

Anyway, more of the ramble is this:
If we give this novel a chance, it could be just as great.
So... give it a read (with an open mind)?

- Jess

P.S. Bravo if you got to the end. I applaud you. & I apologize for my ramble. 

Petite spoiler:
& RIP Jem :'(

What I Learned While Studying Abroad

I was abroad for 8 weeks (!!!) and so much happened, more than I could ever write about. There were good, bad, scary, and fun moments. I learned A LOT too, not just because I was taking classes, but because it was the first time I was ever in another country and I had to figure most of it out all by myself. So, for all of you who are thinking about traveling abroad, here are some important lessons that I learned:

1. You will get lost.
You will get lost A LOT, but that's okay. You'll find your way back and maps will be your best friend. Locals will also be very helpful, so don't be afraid to ask. Eventually, you'll know where you're going and maybe someone will ask you for directions. When you can answer them you'll feel like you've conquered the world (& you have, at least a new, little part of it).

2. It will be different & awkward.
"What will be awkward?" you ask. Everything. You're in a foreign place where they do some things, if not most things, differently than you are used to. Sometimes it's just inconvenient and other times (usually when interacting with other people) it is just so awkward (this is potentially just in my case, as I am hopelessly awkward).You'll learn from this too (traveling is always a learning experience) and you'll know how to avoid these situations in the future (hopefully).

3. Trying new things is always good, even when it's not.
Try all of the new things you possibly can. Even if you don't like it, you won't regret trying it. At least now you know that you don't like it. Go ahead, get those mushy peas with your chips, order the snails, and don't be afraid of the shrimp that still has legs and eyes.

4. You will be amazed.
I had wanted to go to Europe for as long as I can remember, so when it finally happened I wasn't sure everything could live up to my expectations. I was so wrong. No matter how much I had built something up in my head it was always 10x more beautiful and breathtaking in person when I could touch it and see it outside of a picture. Everything is different (better, in my opinion) in real life.

5. You will get homesick.
Going somewhere new without your family or your friends is pretty much guaranteed to make you homesick at least a little bit. There are so many new things to process at the same time and you will miss all of the familiar. Good thing it's 2015 and we have the internet. It's so easy to keep in contact with people while you're away with skype, facetime, facebook, and free texting apps. 

6. You won't want to leave.
Even though you'll get homesick, when it comes time to return home, you won't want to leave. You will fall in love with wherever you are and so many of the people you're with. When you get back you will miss so much (good and bad) about where you studied. Maybe you'll just have to go back soon. :)

Don't miss out on studying abroad while you're in university. There are probably so many reasons why you think you can't do it, but, trust me, you can. It may take a lot of work to make it possible, but it's not impossible. Talk to your school and see what they can do to help and what you need to do. You won't regret it.

- Jess